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Lymph Cancer (Lymphoma) Treatments

Lymph cancer treatments are used to treat the disease, which occurs when white blood cells, responsible for fighting infections in the human body, increase abnormally in the lymph.

The lymph nodes are the most common site of this disease. They are also one of the most important defense mechanisms of the body. Thousands of lymph nodes form the basis of the immune system by providing resistance to various diseases and infections. They grow during any discomfort and return to their former size when the disease is over.

Lymphoma cancer is basically analyzed in 2 different groups: Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s. Both of them may exhibit common symptoms. Therefore, detailed examinations are carried out to determine the type. Specialists can make a diagnosis according to the special cells they find during these examinations. It is very important to determine the type of lymph cancer in order to plan the treatment.


What Causes Lymphoma?


There are certain factors that cause lymphocytes to mutate and multiply, resulting in disease. The most common factors are listed below:


  • Immunosuppression
  • Radiation exposure
  • Family history and age
  • Infections


Individuals with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, organ transplant recipients, or autoimmune diseases, are at higher risk. Lymphoma can affect people of all ages, but it is more common in individuals over 60. The exact causes of lymphoma remain elusive.


Symptoms of Lymph Node Cancer


Lymphoma symptoms can vary significantly depending on the type and stage of the disease. Early detection can be challenging, but being aware of the symptoms can prompt timely medical attention. For example, enlarged, painless lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin are a common early sign.

In addition, sudden and unintentional weight loss is also a common symptom, often accompanied by a loss of appetite and fatigue. Profuse night sweats, to the point of drenching bedclothes, can be an alarming symptom. Besides, unexplained, recurrent fevers that persist without an apparent cause are a possible indication of this illness.

Persistent itching, often without a rash, unexplained and extreme fatigue that does not improve with rest, difficulty breathing or chest pain, and swelling or pain in the abdomen can all be associated with lymphoma.


How is Lymph Cancer Treated?


Lymphoma treatment is highly individualized and depends on various factors, including the type, stage, and extent of the disease, as well as the patient's overall health and preferences. The approaches used in all cancer types are also at the forefront here.

The first one, chemotherapy, uses a combination of powerful drugs to target and destroy cancer cells. The drugs can be administered intravenously or orally, and they circulate throughout the body, affecting both cancerous and healthy cells. This practice is a cornerstone of lymphoma treatment. The choice of specific drugs and regimens depends on the type, stage, and individual patient characteristics. It can be used as the primary treatment or in combination with other therapies.

Another one, radiation therapy, is effective in treating localized lymphomas and can be used as part of the treatment plan, often in combination with chemotherapy. It is particularly valuable when the lymphoma is situated in a specific, localized area, such as the neck, chest, or abdomen. On the other hand, immunotherapy has also revolutionized lymphoma treatment, especially for certain types like Hodgkin lymphoma and some non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Monoclonal antibodies, such as rituximab and pembrolizumab, are often employed to target specific lymphoma cells.


Targeted Therapy and Stem Cell Transplantation in Lymph Cancer Treatment


Counted among innovative treatments targeted therapy drugs are designed to interfere with specific molecules or proteins involved in the growth and survival of cancer cells. These medicines work differently from chemotherapy, with the goal of targeting cancer cells more specifically.

Targeted therapy has demonstrated efficacy in treating specific types of lymphoma, such as follicular lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Drugs like imatinib and ibrutinib are used to block specific pathways or molecules involved in the disease.

On the other hand, a stem cell transplant involves the infusion of healthy stem cells, often from the patient's own body (autologous) or a donor (allogeneic), to replace damaged or cancerous cells. This practice is an option for certain cases of lymphoma, especially when the disease is aggressive, relapsed, or resistant to other treatments. It may be preceded by high-dose chemotherapy or radiation therapy to eliminate as many cancer cells as possible.

Lymph cancer can be frightening for many people and this is natural. However, early diagnosis is very valuable here as in many diseases. You can call Health International to get all the information from A to Z about lymph cancer,  treatment prices in Turkey, and the procedure.

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