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FUE Hair Transplant

FUE Hair Transplantation: Procedure Steps, Benefits, Side effects, and Results


FUE Hair Transplant, also known as Follicular Unit Extraction, is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting the follicles extracted one by one from the scalp of the person to the areas where shedding or baldness is seen.

The feature that distinguishes FUE hair transplant from other methods is the process of preparing the area where the roots will be applied. In this classical FUE method, micro channels are opened with the help of metal blades.

With FUE hair transplantation, more successful results are achieved when compared to the other traditional method, FUT. Especially when taking into consideration the natural appearance of the transplanted area and the fact that it does not leave large scars after the procedure are the biggest differences between them.

FUE hair transplantation method is one of the two most preferred methods worldwide with DHI. It updates itself by integrating with the developing surgical methods and medical infrastructures day by day.


FUE Hair Transplant: Candidates and Side Effects


As with all hair transplantation procedures, the FUE method can be performed on anyone who has hair thinning or baldness, and who also has enough follicles in the donor area.

Whether the person has enough hair follicles or not in the donor area can be understood during the consultation with the specialist. During this examination, the expert also tells the patient general information about the operation, possible risks, and side effects.

In FUE hair transplant, there may be side effects and complications that can be seen just like in almost all surgical procedures. Mild pain and edema, bleeding and numbness at the operation site are the most common of these. In case of seeing one of these symptoms, the patient should immediately inform the specialist.


Things to Consider Before FUE Hair Transplant


There are some issues to be considered before a FUE hair transplant. After the hair analysis of the patient, the specialist presents the treatment plan and gives instructions that must be followed by the person before the operation. The most important of these are listed below:


  • Not consuming alcohol and cigarettes at least a few days prior to the operation
  • If blood thinners are used, a break from them
  • Not consuming beverages containing caffeine
  • Not using chemical-based hair products


Taking these warnings into consideration will ensure that the FUE hair transplant practice is comfortable, has good results from the operation, and accelerated recovery time.


Benefits of FUE Hair Transplant


FUE offers several benefits compared to traditional hair transplant methods, such as strip harvesting. This operation leaves minimal scarring as it involves extracting individual follicles using tiny punches rather than removing a strip of scalp tissue. The small incisions heal quickly, resulting in tiny, almost invisible scars.

Unlike strip harvesting, which leaves a linear scar on the back of the head, FUE does not create a noticeable scar. This is particularly advantageous for people who prefer to keep their hair short, as the absence of a visible scar allows for greater hairstyle options.

FUE hair transplant does not require the use of sutures or staples, which eliminates the need for their removal later. This reduces the likelihood of post-operative complications and discomfort associated with suture removal.

Besides that, this procedure is also a minimally invasive procedure that typically requires less downtime compared to traditional methods. Patients can resume their work and normal activities quickly after the procedure, although it is advisable to avoid strenuous activities for a few days.


FUE Hair Transplant: Procedure Steps


At the beginning of the FUE hair transplant surgery, local anesthesia is applied primarily for the comfort of the patient. Then, the areas where the follicles will be taken and transplanted are shaved. Roots are started to be collected with the help of metal blades. Collected grafts are kept in a special solution.

Small incisions are made in the area where these hair follicles will be transplanted and the follicles are placed one by one. After this part, where the specialist works meticulously, the area is cleaned and bandaged.

The duration of FUE hair transplant may vary according to the number of grafts to be transplanted, but it can be said that it takes an average of 6 hours. An average of 4000-5000 hair follicles can be performed in a single session.

After about 1 month after the practice, a period called "shock loss" comes. It is a natural process seen in all hair transplantation procedures, the patient does not need to worry. These roots that fall out in a few months are replaced by permanent ones. It is not possible to see full results before 6 months. In an average of 1 year, the desired appearance and new, bushy hair is achieved.

Health International successfully performs all hair transplant procedures. We are waiting for new patients at our comfortable, modern and state-of-art hospitals. Contact us to get information from A to Z about treatments and to make an appointment.

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