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Ileal Interposition Surgery

Ileal interposition surgery is a medical procedure that involves the repositioning of a section of the ileum, which is a part of the small intestine.

This surgical technique is primarily used to treat certain metabolic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. It was first performed by Brazilian surgeon Aureo De Paula in 1999.

Today, there are many reasons that can lead to obesity. Hereditary factors, stress, lack of physical activity, and insomnia are among these causes. People who cannot lose weight due to these factors can find solutions in the field of bariatrics.


Good Candidates for Ileal Interposition Surgery


Ileal interposition surgery is usually recommended for people who meet certain criteria. Good candidates for this procedure generally have the circumstances mentioned below.

Ileal interposition surgery is often performed on people who have been diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes and have not achieved satisfactory glucose control through other means, such as diet, exercise, and medication.

This surgery is commonly considered for people who are obese or severely overweight, especially if their excess weight contributes to the development or worsening of their diabetes. (Over 35 BMI)

Since ileal interposition surgery is not a standalone solution, candidates must be committed to making long-term changes to their lifestyle, including adopting a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity.

On the other hand, it's important to note that the suitability of a candidate for ileal interposition surgery can be determined by a qualified healthcare professional, who will assess the patient's overall health and medical history.


Advantages of Ileal Interposition Surgery


Ileal interposition surgery provides many advantages for patients with Type-2 diabetes or obesity. One of the primary goals of this surgery is to enhance glucose metabolism and control blood sugar levels. Repositioning a section of the ileum closer to the stomach, the practice can lead to better insulin sensitivity and improved glycemic control.

Many patients who undergo ileal interposition surgery experience significant weight loss. This can be beneficial for those who are overweight or obese, as excess weight can contribute to insulin resistance and the development of diabetes.

After the surgery, some individuals may experience a reduction in the need for diabetes medications, including insulin. This can lead to a decrease in drug-related expenses and potential side effects.

Besides that, in some cases, ileal interposition surgery has resulted in the remission of Type-2 diabetes, where blood sugar levels return to normal without the need for ongoing diabetes management. It's important to note that the specific benefits and outcomes of this practice may vary from person to person.


Ileal Interposition Surgery: Procedure Steps


Firstly, the patient is placed under general anesthesia to ensure they are asleep and comfortable during the surgery.

Several small incisions are made in the abdomen to allow for the insertion of surgical instruments and a laparoscope, which is a thin tube with a camera attached to it.

A segment of the ileum, usually the last 2-3 feet, is detached from its original position and brought closer to the upper part of the small intestine or the stomach. This repositioning is intended to enhance the hormonal and metabolic effects.

The detached portion of the ileum is then reconnected to the digestive tract to restore the continuity of the gastrointestinal system. The cuts made during the procedure are carefully closed with sutures by the specialist. It is an operation that takes an average of 4 hours.


Ileal Interposition Surgery: Healing


Like many Bariatric surgeries, the patient usually remains in the hospital for a few days following the surgery. During this time, the medical team closely monitors their recovery and provides appropriate pain management.

While immediate post-op rest is necessary, patients are encouraged to gradually increase their physical activity levels as they recover. Regular exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining weight loss and general health status.

As with all weight loss surgeries, patients must follow a special diet after the operation. In this way, besides a comfortable healing process, long-term successful results obtained with the application are ensured.

With its experienced doctors and trained staff, Health International offers you a comfortable and safe treatment process in all Bariatric Surgeries. If you have weight loss concerns and are looking for a solution, please contact us for detailed information.

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